HR Trends

Les recruteurs en France peu actifs sur les réseaux sociaux

L’utilisation des réseaux sociaux n’est pas totalement entrée dans les mœurs des recruteurs et actifs français. S’ils sont devenus le nouvel allié des candidats, les réseaux sociaux professionnels peinent encore à être apprivoisés par les recruteurs, d’après une étude menée  par l’Institut Harris Interactive pour Viadeo et l’ACCE. Seuls 20 % des actifs français (occupés et demandeurs d’emploi) consultent et utilisent les réseaux sociaux dans leur vie professionnelle. Une proportion encore plus faible chez les recruteurs : 8 % seulement embauchent via ces plateformes.

Pourquoi donc une expansion si lente ?
Pour Jean-Daniel Levy, directeur du département Opinion chez Harris Interactive, cette stagnation s’explique par le particularisme français des «grandes Ecoles». «Près de 60% des recruteurs affirment aujourd’hui qu’ils embaucheront parmi leur connaissance ou par le truchement du bouche à oreille», détaille-t-il. «Mais ce phénomène devrait perdre de l’ampleur à mesure qu’Internet connectera de plus en plus de gens issus d’horizons différents», nuance-t-il.

Lire l’article « Les réseaux sociaux professionnels peinent à s’imposer en France » sur

* Syndicat professionnel des agences-conseil en communication pour l’emploi


Addressing the Workforce Skills Gap

Lately we wrote a post about attracting right talent and the skills shortage,  and published a white paper in French about « Hiring Key Talents & High Potentials », all biggest HR challenges for employers in 2014. In many industries, the convergence of a skills gap at the entry level and the anticipated retirement of many experienced workers over the next 3-10 years, threatens a potential crisis that has HR Professionals, employers and even governments worried. It will be more and more difficult for employers to fill needed positions, in spite of high unemployment rates. Recent workforce data in the US shows that close to 50% of employers are having trouble finding workers who are adequately trained for available jobs.

How to close the gap? Read the article « Can We Fix The Skills Gap? » on

Know how to Fish Top Performers & Techies

In his recent post, Dr John Sullivan, an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley, says « It might sound silly on the surface, but fishing and recruiting have a lot in common. Any seasoned fisherman or woman would tell you without hesitation that the same bait that effectively attracts small fish simply would have no impact on attracting the harder-to-land big fish. In recruiting, the need to match your “bait” or attraction features to your target is no different. »

In his article he listed possible excitement factors for top performers in descending order of importance. The two most critical ones are bolded.
Have a look below

  1. Doing the best work of my life
  2. Doing work that has an impact on the customers and the world
  3. Having a great manager
  4. An opportunity to innovate and take risks
  5. An opportunity to learn rapidly and be challenged
  6. The opportunity to implement their ideas
  7. A choice of projects and assignments
  8. A chance to work with the latest technologies and tools
  9. Input into their schedule/ location
  10. An opportunity to work with top co-workers
  11. The opportunity to make decisions and for fast approvals
  12. Working in a performance-driven meritocracy where rewards are based on performance
  13. A transparent environment where the needed information and access is readily available
  14. Sufficient budget and resources to reach their goals

Want to know more how to attract and find top performers and techies, read the article written by Dr John Sullivan on  « Unless You Segment Your Recruiting Messaging, You Won’t Attract Top Performers and Techies« 

You know how to lift your HR practices to the next level?

The recently published report from Boston Consulting Group in partnership with the European Association for People Management identifies specific activities that separate high performing companies from the rest of the pack.

For leaders that sometimes struggle to convert people management aspirations into clear actions, the report provides a quantitatively derived playbook for how to move forward. Through an empirical in-depth analysis, specific practices are identified to lift companies’ people management to the next level. Furthermore, you will find 10 HR topics in terms of their importance, companies’ capabilities, the effort invested, and the perceived value added for the business, and identifies root causes of success for each topic.

To learn more, read the PDF  “Creating People Advantage 2013” online.

2014: The Year of the Employee

Following Josh Bersin, Founder and Principal at Bersin by Deloitte, 2014 will be a year of dramatic change in Talent, Leadership and HR Technology.  Global economic growth will create a new level of competition for people. People will change jobs. HR organizations will shift their focus from cost reduction to retention and engagement.

The Top Ten Predictions of Bersin by Deloitte for 2014
1. Talent, skills and capability needs to become global
2. Integrated capability development replaces training
3. Redesign of performance management accelerates
4. Redefine engagement: focus on passion and the holistic work environment
5. Take talent mobility and career development seriously
6. Redesign and reskill the HR function
7. Redesign and expand focus on talent acquisition
8. Continued explosive growth in HR technology and content markets
9. Talent analytics comes to the front of the stage
10. Innovation comes to HR. The new bold, CHRO

If you want to know more, download the 66 page Bersin Predictions Report or read the full article on Forbes « The Year of the Employee: Predictions for Talent, Leadership and HR Technology in 2014 »