
Should we Distribute HR Into the Business?

By Josh Bersin

Today we see an explosive change in the world of work: people work remotely with high degrees of connectivity, companies are globalized and organizations are flatter, employees are less engaged than ever, and talent markets are rapidly changing.

Is it time for a whole new model for HR?We think the answer is yes.

We are completing several years of research into the modern High-Impact HR Organization and we have uncovered some very significant findings.

(Come to IMPACT 2013: The Business of Talent, on April 22-24 to hear the details.)

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Saying Thank You is Good Business

By Josh Bersin

We just completed a year-long research study on the impact of employee recognition. It turns out that “high-recognition culture” companies dramatically outperform their peers in a whole range of business outcomes. These top companies generate 12X greater business outcomes in a variety of measures and have more than 30% lower voluntary turnover.

The employee recognition industry is an old market, focused heavily on rewarding employees for tenure and service. Such programs, while prevalent in more than 70% of companies, drive little actual business value. (How many of you stayed an extra five years at your company to get a pin?)

What these high-performing companies do is different.

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News Flash: Recruiting Has the Highest Business Impact of any HR Function

by Dr. John Sullivan (

Within most corporate HR functions, the atmosphere is simply too politically charged to even consider raising this powerful question:“Which HR function ranks No. 1 with the highest impact on two critical business success measures — revenue growth and profit margins?” Well, the data is in, and we now definitively know that the answer is … recruiting is the most impactful HR function!

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David Hieatt recently posted a series of photos showing pages from a book that never made it to the printers.

It’s a fascinating insight into a powerful work-in-progress that we hope he’ll soon get published.

The photo above struck us as particularly relevant to business leaders today.

In our paper, “The Meaning Gap”, we explore how the interests of businesses, and the people formerly known as employees, are going in separate directions.

We also explore the consequences for businesses.

Why are employees checking out emotionally? Continue reading